Western Sahara - Polyglot 네트워크

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Western Sahara Polyglot 네트워크에 오신 것을 환영합니다!

السلام عليكم

salam hi everyone, je vous invite a nous rendre visite



nigel1 profile picture nigel1June 2009



My name is Nigel Palmer I am 30 years old and I live  on the North East coast of England. I am collecting postcards/covers from around the world with beautiful stamps on and as many as possible for a charity, Marie Curie Cancer Research and would love one from your beautiful country. When I have collected a lot I will be auctioning them off for the charity. My address is Nigel Palmer, 53 Neptune Drive, Bridlington, East Yorkshire, YO16 4EF, England. I would also like a penfriend and hope we can become good friends. I like sports football, surfing, walking, mountain biking and skiing, friendships, history, culture and travel and music and movies. I love writing. I am a lot of fun and single and am looking for penfriends worldwide. I hope you would like to write to me. Age and gender not important only true friendship.


Take care,



ortegua profile picture orteguaSeptember 2012
iam so happy to be with such nice peaple iam ready to reply in any request
ouili6 profile picture ouili6November 2010

hi nigel, you're very welcome i hope you find a real frieendship here


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