United Kingdom - Polyglot Network

Tere tulemast United Kingdom Polüglottide Võrgustikus!

We have many members, please expand your network, practice the language, or find friends to talk with. We are having (almost) monthly meetings in City of London. Please check just below comment wall or City of London page for the latest meetup if you are interested in it. Also feel free to contact us should you have any question, opinion!


ManonMamyNova profile picture ManonMamyNovaNovember 2013
Hello ! I'm french girl and I search scotland people for communicated and improve my english. I want to have international relation friendships. If you are interesseted, thanks for mailling me ! =)
Kosichka2013 profile picture Kosichka2013June 2013
Hi! I would like to improve my English I can teach you Russian! Pliz help me
Daria_A profile picture Daria_ANovember 2013
hi! I'm from Russia and I'm looking for new for new friends to communicate with=)



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