Polygot club Sousse weekly meeting #PSM3

Event description

Come practice languages and meet people from different cultures. You need no subscription to attend the meeting, just come join us! Feel free to invite your friends! :)
For more information take a look at our facebook page!

PS: Please order something because the place doesn't belong to us, and to maintain the Club 1DT will be added to each order. Thank you for understanding :)

colloquetur de nobis!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


djodeutlich profile picture djodeutlichSeptember 2013

The meeting point is in sahloul café sahloul, if anyone have any trouble he can join me by phone (+216) 22647201.. Our polyglot club meetings are every thursday at 7pm : same place and same time :) Sousse we will rock!

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2013
Could you please write a precise address ?
  • vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2013
    I updated the post event, because without address, nothing appeared on the map
Salah-G profile picture Salah-GSeptember 2013
It's been a while since i last was on Polyglot...
Since i'm in Sousse, maybe i'll pass by...
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2013
Your events have a lot of success in Tunisia, congrats !!!

