happydo - Profile

About me

◆◆◆ English ◆◆◆ I am a master graduate and I am a software developer, system designer now. Also is a thinker of life and a practitioner who want to free from samsara but I am not a monk ^_^ I want to learn English conversation. In exchange, I will teach you Mandarin Chinese. I also can teach you simplified or traditional Chinese characters according to your needs. If you are interested in chinese classic poetry, I can also chant a few poems for you. If you are interested in the truth of life or of the universe, I can also teach you ”Tao” and ”Dharma”, or teach you the real Yoga. that they are connected at a certain level. ◆◆◆ Traditional Chinese ◆◆◆ 我有碩士學位,現在是軟體開發人員、系統設計師,是生活思想家和解脫輪迴修行者,但我不是和尚 ^_^ 我想學習英語會話。 作為交換,我將教您普通話。 依您的需要,我也可教您簡體字或繁體字。 如果您對中國古典詩詞感興趣,我也可為您吟誦幾首詩。 如果您對生命或宇宙的真相感興趣,我也可以教您「道」和「佛法」,或教您真正的瑜珈,它們在某種層次上是相通的。 ◆◆◆ Simplified Chinese ◆◆◆ 我有硕士学位,现在是软体开发人员、系统设计师,是生活思想家和解脱轮回修行者,但我不是和尚 ^_^ 我想学习英语会话。 作为交换,我将教您普通话。 依您的需要,我也可教您简体或繁体字。 如果您对中国古典诗词感兴趣,我也可为您吟诵几首诗。 如果您对生命或宇宙的真相感兴趣,我也可以教您「道」和「佛法」,或教您真正的瑜珈,它们在某种层次上是相通的。

Teaching language

Learning language


Registration:March 2021
Last login date:March 2021
Number of logins:15