أعط أجوبة - Türkçe

صوّت الآنتم الإجـابة عليهسؤال لغوي بمعني (سؤال في اللغه المقصوده)
what is more common/correct: ali eşi ile istanbula geldi OR ali eşiyle istanbula geldi

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أعط أجوبة

berk9933 profile picture berk9933June 2017
Two of them are correct but ''eşiyle'' is common.
Ermonika profile picture ErmonikaJuly 2017
Both of them is true but one of them that eşiyle speak launguage other one writing language.
canbalkaner profile picture canbalkanerSeptember 2015
Ali eşiyle İstanbul'a geldi