پاسخ دهید - Español

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How to make the difference between "Ser" and "Estar" in Spanish ? :)

PS: Take a look at these free Spanish educational resources: Free instruction: Animal SoundsSportsCityBird

پاسخ دهید

Georgo2112 profile picture Georgo2112November 2012

If after so many examples you don't understand it yet, please, don't hesitate to ask me. Good luck!

Georgo2112 profile picture Georgo2112November 2012

It's that simple! More examples: I'm sick = Yo estoy enfermo ------ I'm Brazilian = Yo soy brasileño ------ The square is two blocks from here = La plaza está a dos cuadras de aquí ------ The book is on the table = El libro está en la mesa.

Georgo2112 profile picture Georgo2112November 2012
Examples: Permanent quality: Coffee is black = El café es negro / Transitory state or quality: The Coffee is hot = El café está caliente / Permanent location:
My house is near here = Mi casa está cerca de aquí / The place where we left something: My car is in the parking lot = Mi auto está en el estacionamiento.
GabrielTorresV profile picture GabrielTorresVNovember 2012
La diferencia del ser o estar es que el estar , se puede utilizar en un estado de animo o en ubicación , y el ser en la descripción física o de profesión o cargo,


The difference of being or being is that being, you can use a mood or location, and being in the physical description or profession or position,


Espero te sirva
meb92 profile picture meb92November 2012

I didn't have to learn this, I just got used to it, so I don't know the exact rules. If you're saying something temporary about yourself, like "I'm tired", you would use "estar"; "Estoy cansado". For things that describe you, like "I'm tall", you would use "ser"; "soy alto". Also, "estar" is used to indicate the location or position of something, like if you wanted to say "He is outside", it would be "Esta afuera".