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🕒 How do you Express the Past in Russian?

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exRanger profile picture exRangerSeptember 2022
By correctly declining a given verb, most often (but not always) preserving the infinitive~present tense verb stem and adding an ”l” (”lo”, ”la”, or ”li”, depending on the gender/number of the subject) suffix. ”Alra” has pointed out several examples already, so I’ll not elaborate. But, suffice to say, simple past tense suffixization in Russian w/ the ”l” is akin to past tense suffixization in English w/ the ”ed” thing. But remember: BOTH languages have a LOT of verbs whose ”past tense” forms deviate from these simple formulas and are thus ”irregular” past tense forms.
Alra profile picture AlraSeptember 2022
There is the past tense of the verbs for that. Example to be - быть - есть - present tense. был, .была, были - Past Tense: to go - идти: я иду, ты идешь, он идет - present: я шёл, ты шёл, он шёл, она шла, мы-вы-они шли - past tense....
DelaSimon profile picture DelaSimonJuly 2023
I never thought about how we express the Past in Russian) Tha’s a very cool question. You can make any Russian native think by this question. I doubt skmeone from Russia can give you comprehensive answer) All depends of word I think. For example: The verb говорить. Я говорил, она говорила, он говорил, мы говорили, вы говорили, они говорили. The verb жить. Я жил, он жил, она жила, мы жили, вы жили, они жили. The verb слушать. Я слушал, ты слушал, он слушал, она слушала, мы слушали, вы слушали, они слушали. I guess that’s hard to English speakers to understand Russian times)