ODPOWIEDZ! - Русский язык

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кто может помочь мне выучить русский язык?

PS: Try out these free Russian learning lessons: Free class: Noun Cases OverviewРазговорные фразыFarmDriving


sunny22 profile picture sunny22November 2019

Hi guys!)

Advise me an English deep movie for a weekend!)

Have a nice day!)????

  • exRanger profile picture exRangerNovember 2019
    "Deep" movie in English language? Try one (or all) of the following:

    - Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf
    - The Dresser
    - The World According To Garp
    - Waking Life
    - My Dinner With Andrei
    - To Have And Have Not
    - Treasure Of Sierra Madre
    - All About Eve
    - Rebecca
    - Rear Window
    - Yesterday

    As for "British" television programmes:

    - The Office (note: NOT the version produced in USA)
    - Torchwood
    - Years And Years
    - Killing Eve
    - Are You Being Served?

    I could go on for hours, but try a few of these ^^^.
  • Aljina profile picture AljinaNovember 2019
    I liked this movies Into the Wild, The King Speech and british TV shows : Sherlock, Black Mirror, Broadchurch
exRanger profile picture exRangerNovember 2019
Serxan - You are Azerbaijan and do not already know Russian? You must be very young, born well after demise of USSR?