Can someone translate it into English?

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سلام قدير جان
خوبي بخير
جليل كاكا درتو زنك زده بود
توره نصيحت كد
بخاطر اولاد بابه داري
بخاطر خوبي خودتو
اما تو فكر كدي كه مه گپ هاي ازتوره پيش جليل كاكا گفتم
مه گپ هاي ازتوره يك كلمه شي ره پيش هيج كس نگفتم
حتي پيش اختر هم نگفتم
مه ده مهدي زنگ زدم گفتم هركاري مي تاني انجام بده
مهدي گفت خوبه مه هركاري درتوان مه باشه انجام ميدوم
خلاصه برار هركاري كه شده گذشته ازاين به بعد كوشش كو
اگه خوده ازچنگ دختره خوده نجات ندي
مه مجبور هستم بخاطر خود تو توره از لندن خارج كنم
پيش مهدي كاري نداره
فقط ده مهدي بوگوم توره گرد نامه كنه ده ظرف يك هفته توره ده أفغانستان ميره
مثل يك برار خوب قدي برارون خوتفاق كو
حالي سيالداري ده كله شخي نموشه
ده خودخو خانه بخر حريف شكست موخوره
ده خود خو سرمايه جور كو حريف شكست موخوره
نام دختره ره روان كو


Elham86 profile picture Elham86May 2018
This is pashto, afghanistan language. We can understand it but not completely. It's just a personal letter, between two guys, probably brothers or friends.
MOHAMMAD2000 profile picture MOHAMMAD2000January 2017
این چه زبانیه؟
  • mary_cc profile picture mary_ccOctober 2017
    i can't read that totally!
    maybe someone write it to google translate or
    another robot and this is a result .
    now i finish text and i think that is a Local dialect
    what i understand:my English is not perfect
    hi dear Ghadir(name)
    good morning (or somthing like that)
    Jalil kaka (name) call you
    adviced you
    for ...(i can understand )
    for your goodness
    but u think i said your talk to Jalil kaka(name)
    but i dont say any thing to anyone
    even i dont say to Akhtar(name)
    i called Mahdi(name) and say what you can do .do
    Mahdi said i do what i can
    whatever was finished after that try
    save yourself from the girl
    if you dont save yourself from the girl
    i will forced for yourself take out you from London
    this is easy for Mahdi(name)
    i shoud just tell Mahdi write a letter you will go to Afghanistan at 10days
    i dont understan 4 last sentence
    but i think at last she say
    tell the name of girl
    sorry i think i can't translate text how the writer write that