Glottolog Tool Review: A Comprehensive Guide to Linguistic Classification Write a review about this language tool.

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Tool description

  • Category: Software
  • GJUHËT: mul Multiple languages


Glottolog is an impressive tool that allows users to explore linguistic classification and research in a comprehensive and user-friendly way. Whether you're a language enthusiast, a linguist, or a language student, Glottolog can help you deepen your understanding of the world's languages.

I like...

✅ Glottolog is completely free to use and offers an extensive database of linguistic information.
✅ The tool is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it accessible for both beginners and experts.
✅ Glottolog is constantly updated with the latest research and information, ensuring that users have access to the most up-to-date data.

I don’t like...

❌ While Glottolog is an incredibly useful tool, it may be overwhelming for beginners who are new to linguistic research.
❌ The tool may also be too complex for users who are looking for a simple language learning tool.

Detailed description

Introduction to Glottolog

Glottolog is a comprehensive database of languages and language families, which is maintained by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany. It is a free resource that is available to anyone who wants to learn more about the world's languages and their history. Glottolog is a valuable tool for language learners, linguists, anthropologists, and anyone who is interested in the diversity of human language.

Features of Glottolog

Glottolog offers a wide range of features that make it a valuable resource for language learners. Some of the key features of Glottolog include:

Language Family Trees

One of the most useful features of Glottolog is its language family trees. These trees show the relationships between different languages and language families, giving users a visual representation of the history and evolution of languages. Users can click on individual nodes in the tree to learn more about specific languages and language families.

Detailed Language Information

Glottolog also provides detailed information about individual languages, including their geographic distribution, phonology, and grammar. This information is presented in a clear and organized manner, making it easy for users to find the information they need.

Bibliographic References

Another key feature of Glottolog is its extensive collection of bibliographic references. Users can search for references by author, title, or keyword, and can easily export references in a variety of formats.

Search Functionality

Glottolog also offers powerful search functionality, allowing users to search for languages, language families, and bibliographic references using a variety of criteria. The search function is fast and accurate, making it easy for users to find the information they need.

Using Glottolog for Language Learning

Glottolog can be a valuable tool for language learners who want to gain a deeper understanding of the languages they are studying. Here are some tips for using Glottolog effectively:

Explore Language Family Trees

One of the best ways to use Glottolog for language learning is to explore its language family trees. By doing so, learners can gain a better understanding of the history and evolution of the language they are studying, and can also discover related languages that they may be interested in learning in the future.

Research Grammar and Phonology

Glottolog's detailed information about individual languages can also be helpful for language learners who want to dive deeper into the grammar and phonology of the language they are studying. By studying this information, learners can gain a more nuanced understanding of the language, and can also improve their ability to speak and write in the language.

Find Resources for Further Study

Glottolog's bibliographic references can also be a valuable resource for language learners who want to find additional resources for further study. By searching for references related to a specific language or language family, learners can discover books, articles, and other resources that can help them improve their language skills.


Overall, Glottolog is a powerful tool that can be a valuable resource for language learners, linguists, and anyone who is interested in the diversity of human language. Its language family trees, detailed language information, bibliographic references, and search functionality make it a comprehensive and user-friendly resource that is well worth exploring.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Glottolog?

Glottolog is a comprehensive database of the world's languages, created and maintained by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. It provides a wealth of information on each language, including its classification, location, and basic linguistic features such as phonology and grammar.

Is Glottolog free to use?

Yes, Glottolog is completely free to use for anyone who wants to access its database and information.

What kind of information can I find on Glottolog?

Glottolog provides a wide range of information on each language, including its classification, location, and basic linguistic features such as phonology and grammar. It also includes links to other resources and publications related to each language.

How often is Glottolog updated?

The Glottolog database is constantly updated as new information becomes available. Updates are typically released on a yearly basis.

Can I contribute to Glottolog?

Yes, Glottolog welcomes contributions from linguists and language enthusiasts around the world. You can submit information and corrections through their website.

Is Glottolog suitable for beginners?

Glottolog is primarily aimed at linguists and language researchers, so it may not be the most user-friendly resource for beginners. However, it can still provide valuable information for anyone interested in learning more about the world's languages.

How can I search for a specific language on Glottolog?

You can search for a specific language on Glottolog by using the search bar on their website. You can also browse languages by family, country, or region.

What is the ISO code for languages and how is it used in Glottolog?

The ISO code is a standardized system for identifying and classifying languages. It is used in Glottolog to provide a consistent and universal way of referring to each language. Each language in the Glottolog database is assigned a unique three-letter ISO code.

What is the difference between a language and a dialect?

The distinction between a language and a dialect is often a matter of political and cultural factors, rather than linguistic ones. Generally, a language is considered to be a distinct system of communication with its own grammar and vocabulary, while a dialect is a variant of a language that is spoken in a particular region or community.

Can I download data from Glottolog?

Yes, you can download data from Glottolog in various formats, including CSV, BibTeX, and RDF. You can also access the database through an API.

What is the relationship between Glottolog and Ethnologue?

Ethnologue is another well-known database of the world's languages, but it has a different approach and methodology than Glottolog. While Ethnologue focuses on providing information on living languages, Glottolog aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the world's linguistic diversity.

Can I use Glottolog to learn a new language?

While Glottolog is not designed as a language learning tool, it can still provide valuable information for anyone interested in learning more about the world's languages. You may find it particularly useful for gaining a deeper understanding of the linguistic features and history of a language.

What is the Language Families section on Glottolog?

The Language Families section on Glottolog provides an overview of the major language families and subfamilies of the world, as well as their historical development and geographical distribution. It is a useful resource for anyone interested in the broader patterns of linguistic diversity and evolution.

How can I use Glottolog to research a specific language?

You can use Glottolog to research a specific language by searching for it by name or ISO code. This will bring up a page with detailed information on the language's classification, location, and linguistic features. You can also explore related languages and resources on the same page.

What is the Glottocode?

The Glottocode is a unique identifier assigned to each language in the Glottolog database. It provides a way of linking different resources and publications related to the same language, even if they use different names or classifications for it.

What is the Bibliography section on Glottolog?

The Bibliography section on Glottolog provides a searchable database of publications related to the world's languages and linguistics. It includes books, articles, and other resources, and can be a valuable tool for researchers and language enthusiasts.

What is the Typology section on Glottolog?

The Typology section on Glottolog provides a database of cross-linguistic typological features, such as word order, case systems, and tense-aspect systems. It can be a useful tool for researchers and language learners who want to compare and contrast different languages and language families.

How can I use Glottolog to study linguistics?

Glottolog can be a valuable resource for anyone studying linguistics, particularly in the areas of historical linguistics, language typology, and language classification. It provides a wealth of information on the world's languages and their relationships to one another, as well as links to relevant publications and resources.

What is the Language Name Index on Glottolog?

The Language Name Index on Glottolog provides a comprehensive list of the names and classifications of the world's languages, along with their ISO codes and Glottocodes. It can be a useful resource for researchers and language enthusiasts who want to explore the linguistic diversity of the world.

How can I report an error or make a suggestion for Glottolog?

You can report an error or make a suggestion for Glottolog by contacting their team through their website. They welcome feedback and contributions from the broader linguistics community.

What is the Sources section on Glottolog?

The Sources section on Glottolog provides a database of sources used in the creation and maintenance of the Glottolog database. It includes publications, databases, and other resources that have contributed to the knowledge of the world's languages and linguistics.

What is the Language Families Map on Glottolog?

The Language Families Map on Glottolog is an interactive map that displays the geographical distribution of the major language families and subfamilies of the world. It can be a useful tool for exploring the broader patterns of linguistic diversity and evolution.

What is the Diachronic section on Glottolog?

The Diachronic section on Glottolog provides a database of historical and comparative linguistic data, including reconstructed forms and sound correspondences. It can be a valuable resource for researchers and language enthusiasts interested in the historical development of the world's languages and language families.

How can I access Glottolog in languages other than English?

Glottolog is currently only available in English, but some of its resources and publications may be available in other languages. You can check the Language Name Index or Bibliography sections for publications in your preferred language.

What is the Genetic classification section on Glottolog?

The Genetic classification section on Glottolog provides an overview of the major language families and subfamilies of the world, as well as their historical development and geographical distribution. It is a useful resource for anyone interested in the broader patterns of linguistic diversity and evolution.

What is the Autotyp section on Glottolog?

The Autotyp section on Glottolog provides a database of language-specific typological features, such as the presence or absence of certain morphological or syntactic structures. It can be a useful tool for researchers and language enthusiasts who want to compare and contrast different languages and language families.

What is the Endangerment status section on Glottolog?

The Endangerment status section on Glottolog provides information on the current endangerment status of each language in the database, as well as links to relevant resources and publications. It can be a valuable tool for anyone interested in language preservation and revitalization.

What is the Morphology section on Glottolog?

The Morphology section on Glottolog provides a database of language-specific morphological features, such as inflectional paradigms and derivational processes. It can be a useful tool for researchers and language learners who want to explore the diversity of morphological systems across different languages and language families.

What is the Phonology section on Glottolog?

The Phonology section on Glottolog provides a database of language-specific phonological features, such as vowel and consonant inventories and phonotactic patterns. It can be a useful tool for researchers and language learners who want to explore the diversity of phonological systems across different languages and language families.

What is the Syntax section on Glottolog?

The Syntax section on Glottolog provides a database of language-specific syntactic features, such as word order and sentence structure. It can be a useful tool for researchers and language learners who want to explore the diversity of syntactic systems across different languages and language families.

How to combine the use of Glottolog with offers a range of features that can complement the use of Glottolog for language learning and research. For example, you can use the site to connect with language partners and receive corrections from native speakers through the Connect and Corrections features. You can also join in-person meetups and ask questions and receive answers from native speakers through the Meetings and Questions features. Additionally, you can discover comprehensive courses in any language through the Language Wiki feature. By combining the resources of Glottolog and, you can deepen your understanding of the world's languages and connect with other language learners and enthusiasts around the world.

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