Vastake - Νέα Ελληνικά

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Greek alphabet

Today I started learning Greek language. I started learning alphabet first and I saw that some letters have different variations, e.g. the letter Kappa: uppercase Κ, lowercase κ or cursive ϰ. Should I use both lowercase and cursive or whichever I want? Also, could you tell me which one is more common?

PS: Take a look at these free Modern Greek (1453-) educational resources: Learning lesson: Meaning of the word PeriplusWords with 2 accentsWeather and ClimateThe Rapture of Europe


Aspromavroble profile picture AspromavrobleJanuary 2021


The lower case and the cursive are equal. Usually we only use the cursive when writing by hand and not in typing. But also it’s very common to use the regular lower case κ by hand.

It would actually depend on the person’s handwriting. In the same way wether or not you see the cursive in typing depends on the font you are using.

So you can understand the two have exactly the same significance. You just use the one that is more convenient for you.

The only letter in Greek alphabet which has actually two lower cases with different significance is Σ(σ ς). If you need any clarification on that feel free to make another question. smile.gif

kiki11 profile picture kiki11April 2016
K is the letter when we start e new frase after a full stop.
eftihia_ko profile picture eftihia_koJuly 2017
hi ! cursive κ it doesnt matter if you use it or not, same like lowercase κ. K for the first letter in a sentence elsewhere κ !! thats it!!
MariaSmith5 profile picture MariaSmith5April 2016
You can use whichever you want and it will be ok one way or another! [ .Είμαι καλά / .Είμαι ϰαλά/ .Καλά είμαι (για την ώρα!)] :p