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🤗 How do you say "hello" in Mandarin Chinese?
Dear Polyglots 😃

Could you please help PolyglotClub complete the Wiki page that contains the different ways to greet people in Mandarin Chinese?

➡ Mandarin Chinese Greetings (Edit the Wiki)

Many thanks!
Vincent, PolyglotClub founder

PS: Immerse yourself in these free Mandarin Chinese lessons: Learning class: Chinese Art and Entertainment Scene室 shì roomExpressions to survive in China酒 jiŭ liquor, wine, spirits


Mngjie profile picture MngjieApril 2022
ni hao
wang805650885 profile picture wang805650885April 2022
你好,您好(more respective)
Beka_uz profile picture Beka_uzJanuary 2022
你好 (ni hao)