Japanese Yes/No

KÜLDJ EGY ÚJ VIDEÓT!68% azt mondta "JÓ" (28 votes)


Jennifer7 profile picture Jennifer7February 2017
Thank you)
hnade profile picture hnadeSeptember 2016

I knew these words from anime , thanks anyway
jradthebad profile picture jradthebadMay 2014
Beautifully done. It's simple, direct, encourages repetition and points out tips and pitfalls. 10/10
anji013jamal profile picture anji013jamalDecember 2013
SamToonsi profile picture SamToonsiNovember 2013
if someone can learn me japanese plz let me know i can learn you arabic here is my skype bb.v.c
suzumi profile picture suzumiNovember 2013
arigato gozaimasu