أعط أجوبة - Italiano

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What is the difference between ”oppure” and ”ovvero”?

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أعط أجوبة

Nikolaos profile picture NikolaosJuly 2014
1) Ιn Italian you can use "OPPURE" for the English word "OR", and has the same meaning of italian word "O"

- Vuoi questo OPPURE quello?
- Vuoi questo O quello?
(Do you want this one OR that one?)

2) "OVVERO" means "THAT IS" or "OR RATHER" and has the same meaning of the italian word "CIOE'":

- L'autore di questa poesia, CIOE'OVVERO Jacques Prévert, era francese
(The author of this poem, THAT IS Jacques Prévert, was French)