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What does Farina integrale da macinazione extravergine?

I understand the literal translation but am wondering how "extravirgin" is part of wholemeal flour process/ingredients.

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Giando profile picture GiandoNovember 2021
You get the farina integrale da macinazione extravergine when you grind the grains more gently so the grains maintain more of their original nutrient content
LukeFromRome profile picture LukeFromRomeAugust 2021
It may mean (but not 100% sure) that it’s produced on first milling (and supposedly it’s the best). I guess there could be a second milling where the residue is reprocessed but the quality is inferior. Or more likely it’s just marketing...
RB2 profile picture RB2December 2020
That term is for oil, maybe the producer wanted to mean that the flour has been produced without adding artificial ingredients.