АДКАЗАЦЬ - Italiano

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Qual é la differenze fra "partire", "andare", "viaggiare" e dove andare questi verbi?

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Kaya_Kirmizi profile picture Kaya_KirmiziMarch 2013
"partire" means, more or less "to leave"; "andare" means "to go" (be careful it's a irregular verb: its present is "io vado, tu vai, egli va, noi andiamo, voi andate, essi vanno") and "viaggiare" is "to travel": you should use the first one to indicate the very first part of a journey, like "I left by train"="Sono partito in treno"; "andare" is very generic and you can use it both for "partire" e "viaggiare". "viaggiare" designs the whole journey, and it's vaguely poetic: you won't hear often "ho viaggiato in Scozia"
instapol profile picture instapolMarch 2013
Qual é la differenze fra "partire", "andare", "viaggiare" e dove usare questi verbi?
  • zaitsev profile picture zaitsevApril 2019
    andare - head to a place or someone

    andare in fumo - In a figurative sense there is no more

    andare a canossa - The expression derives from the well-known historical fact and means "to humble oneself,
    to bend in front of an enemy, to retract, to admit having made a mistake, to make an act of submission".
  • zaitsev profile picture zaitsevApril 2019
    partire per roma - leave for Rome

    partire per la tangente - he no longer understands anything (confused, almost crazy)

    partire in quarta - starting a certain activity at full capacity, the true origin of this saying seems linked to a position used in fencing,
    generally just to carry out an attack