
текст з - Italiano

    • My pronunciation in italian

    • Hello, my name is Olga, I'm from Russia and right now I'm working on my pronunciation in italian.
    • I would like to ask you for your assistance.
    • Could you check whether I pronounce all the sounds correctly and give me WRITTEN recommendations on how to improve my pronunciation.
    • I do not speak English and I'm just a beginner in italian, so it will be quite a challenge for me to communicate with you :) and that's why I'm writing this letter.
    • I will send you a text and I will read it to you during our skype session.
    • Please, write down all my strong and weak points in pronunciation at the end of our lesson and send them to me, so I could analyze and practice them later. Thanks a lot!
  • http://vocaroo.com/i/s1ryFdtuc2nI

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - Italiano