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🤔 How do you say "I don't understand" in German?

PS: Check out these free German learning resources: Exercises: Count from 1 to 10Personal PronounsCasesPossessive Case in German


Duc_ profile picture Duc_March 2023
”Ich verstehe nicht” would be the 1:1 translation of ”I don’t understand”,but, as in English, the clearer way is to address the source of nonunderstanding.
I don’t understand you -> Ich verstehe Sie nicht (if someone speaks in a foreign language or in a strange way)
I don’t understand it -> Das verstehe ich nicht (if an information, a sign or a symbol is unclear)

stoffitiger profile picture stoffitigerApril 2023

sorry, would you please clearly explain in any language that you really are in command of. I see that you tried to contact me on another platform as well So if you are not able to talk in any language clearly then forget it