0% GOOD (1 votes)उत्तरLanguage Question
🤔 How do you say "I don't understand" in German?

PS: Check out these free German learning resources: Exercises: Count from 1 to 10Personal PronounsCasesPossessive Case in German


Duc_ profile picture Duc_March 2023
”Ich verstehe nicht” would be the 1:1 translation of ”I don’t understand”,but, as in English, the clearer way is to address the source of nonunderstanding.
I don’t understand you -> Ich verstehe Sie nicht (if someone speaks in a foreign language or in a strange way)
I don’t understand it -> Das verstehe ich nicht (if an information, a sign or a symbol is unclear)

  • stoffitiger profile picture stoffitigerApril 2023
    stoffitiger profile picture stoffitigerGerade jetzt
    I won’t talk to anybody talking not his own mother tongue but tries to to immitate some other even more difficult language or not even talking English so that one can unterstand it
stoffitiger profile picture stoffitigerApril 2023

sorry, would you please clearly explain in any language that you really are in command of. I see that you tried to contact me on another platform as well So if you are not able to talk in any language clearly then forget it

  • stoffitiger profile picture stoffitigerApril 2023
    I won’t talk to anybody talking not his own mother tongue but tries to to immitate some other even more difficult language or not even talking English so that one can unterstand it