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What is the most important verbs to learn in German?


Duc_ profile picture Duc_March 2023
There is no general verb-importance-list where one can pick the first 50 ones from to minimize the effort of learning the curious ways of conjugating them. But one can start with ”haben”, ”sein” and ”werden” as auxiliary verbs to construct in the complicated manner of german all times and modes and forms and voices the other verbs can be conjugated.
The rest of this list would be mostly the same as in english, with the exception of the bureaucrats’ Deutsch. But a Lithuavian who has mastered yet english should not be too much trerrified.
  • Duc_ profile picture Duc_June 2023
    But don’t underestimate the german trick to merge prepositions and verbs to new words. For example there are the prefixes an, aus, ein, ab, auf, hoch, nieder, vor, zurück, weg, hin, her for the verb gehen. Similar lists could be fabricated for other verbs of movement.
__Viktoria__ profile picture __Viktoria__June 2023
Probably the same as in any other language. Haben, sein, machen, können, wollen, dürfen, etc. pp.