100% GOOD (1 votes)DijawabLanguage Question
When you have to say ”I’m going to the station”, can you say both ”Ich gehe zum Bahnoff” and ”Ich gehe am Bahnoff”?

My doubt came from the sentence "ich kam am Bahnoff an".
Could I say "Ich kam zum Bahnoff an"?

PS: Find free German learning lessons here: Free training: Movies, TV and LiteratureHow to Use beHow to Use BeIndefinite Articles in German


Berlusconi profile picture BerlusconiMarch 2020
We use 'gehen' With in and zu
Berlusconi profile picture BerlusconiMarch 2020
We use am with verbs showing no move. Ich bin am Parkplatz
Berlusconi profile picture BerlusconiMarch 2020
Ich gehe zum Bahnhof