أعط أجوبة - English

صوّت الآنتم الإجـابة عليهسؤال لغوي بمعني (سؤال في اللغه المقصوده)
how and what

PS: Take a look at these free English educational resources: Instruction: Mass nounCountries and ContinentsCommon phrasesAs if and as though; like

أعط أجوبة

TheSucidalCimmerian profile picture TheSucidalCimmerianJuly 2020
'How' is to ask the story of everything before that incident in the sentence
'Why' is the reason of whatever he says in the sentence.

Text me if you want help to conprehend a sentence
Shay1996 profile picture Shay1996July 2020
Hi, g585123,

I am not exactly sure what you are asking. But from what I can understand, you are trying to figure out the difference between "How" & "Why"

In English, "How" and "What" are words that question a subject needing an answer. Example: "How are you?" OR "What is today?"

I hope that this answer helps you.
g5858123 profile picture g5858123July 2020
tall me how and what garmar
I will not distinguish