Undi sekarang!DijawabLanguage Question
How do you say in English: "La bave du crapaud n'atteint pas la blanche colombe"


exRanger profile picture exRangerOctober 2019

I've given the mattersome thought and had a brief conveersation w/ my brother, an esteemed linguist, and we've come up with a few "rough" equivalents, in English, but bear in mind there is no "perfectly aligned" English expression for the French proverb:

1. Do right and fear no man.
2. True blue will never stain.
3. A good heart cannot lie.
4. A good name is better than a good girdle. (note: this one is sort'a obsolete)

Hope one or more than one of these is useful to you. -exR
Evelynmparrot profile picture EvelynmparrotOctober 2019

Hei, here is your answer:

The slobber of the toad does not reach the white dove

Why not find more

exRanger profile picture exRangerOctober 2019

I'll give this one some thought, but the expression "The slobber of the toad does not reach the white dove." is NOT a (common) expression in American or British (English) usage. I think it might be Indian (as in Hindified) "English" -- native to a point but fraught w/ what are interesting, but unrepresentative, idomaticisms.