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Will somebody explain passive time in English?

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miguel_her4 profile picture miguel_her4March 2019
Passive voice.- You talk about the "receiver" of the action, instead of the "doer", because the "doer" is not important, or we don't know. Example (Active voice): I sent a package yesterday. In this example, we know who "did" the action (The doer)... This same sentence in Passive voice: A package was sent yesterday. In this case, we talk about the receiver of the action, the package. The verb form in passive voice uses the auxiliary "to be" and the verb in past participle. A package WAS SENT yesterday. you can use all of the tenses using auxiliary "to be" and verb in past participle. NOTE: Some verbs cannot be used in passive voice: laugh, sleep, die... they are called intransitive verbs.
BaoruoMusasson profile picture BaoruoMusassonMarch 2019
Pragmatics - I wouldn't use "will" but rather "would" here. "Will" sounds to me like "Will eventually someone explain passive time in English as I deserve it?" (I mean it sounds a bit close to that). Future is sometimes used in English to express order, when "would" rather expresses suggestion, here a need.
nanisalem profile picture nanisalemMarch 2019