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Why do we need Future in the Past in this sentense?

Alberto took one look at his new neighbours and knew that his life was going to get more difficult. 
On last sentence why 'Future in the Past' was used ?

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vincent profile picture vincentJune 2019


First take the sentense at the present tense :

"He knows that is life is going to get more difficult"

As the action takes place in the past, it becomes "he knew that his life was going to get.." (put all the verbs in the past)

I hope it helps laugh

fazahmkh profile picture fazahmkhJune 2019
It's not future, per se! It's best to understand how English interprets time in its tenses. Every sentence has a particular reference time in context. When a sentence is in past tense, that reference point is in the past obviously. The first part of the sentence refers to that reference point using a simple past tense. This is the time when Alberto looked at his neighbour, and got to know something. However at that point, our reference point, he knew that his life will (hence the feel of future) continually be more difficult. The continuance of the action granted it a continuous hence, however it being past continuous implies that even though the action continued after our reference point in the past, it finished before the present time, that is when the sentence is being written!
fares_alka profile picture fares_alkaJanuary 2019
first if you dont go after what you want you never have have it if you want have very nice futuer you need do it everything for your Dream