Κείμενο από alexandra2501 - English
My biggest fear about english
- My biggest fear about english is that i never be good enough to speak properly and to get a new job where I speak in english.
- I”m 27 years old and I dont know how to improve my self esteem when it s time to speak in english, when i have to present myself at the interview.
- I think my gramatics sucks, but i really don t get it.
- I feel it too hard / complicated to understand such a lot times (past perfect, future perfect etc).
- So this is the biggest problem.
- I think i can t finish a conversation in english.
- My brain stops and i can„t continue to speak, i am freezing and all my thoughts are about bad pronunciation It seems like my brain is empty.
- I dont know from where to start... to correct and improve my english.
- alexandra2501June 2023Ψηφίστε τώρα!