
Tekst nga OgnjenBanovic - English

  • Announcement

    • I would like to announce a new group call on Wednesday.
    • It is not a topical group call where we practice certain grammar points but a group talk where we all talk and have a discussion like in everyday situations.
    • There we are going to discuss a certain topic that we already have done or that we will have on 1-on-1 call.
    • It is good to sense something like this because you are going to be in those situations on the street, at work and usually around the people in Germany/Switzerland/Austria.
    • The group call will be held by Vanja, a girl from Vienna.
    • So join this call because you really can sense native-like German and receive feedback in terms of pronunciation and to get more free speaking German in front of everyone.


  • Title
  • Fjalia 1
  • Fjalia 2
    • It is not a topical group call where we practice certain grammar points but a group talk where we all talk and have a discussion like in everyday situations.
      Votoni tani!
    • It isThis will not be a topical group call where we practice certain grammar points but a group talk where we all talk and have a discussion like indiscuss, as a group, everyday situations.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 2SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 2
  • Fjalia 3
    • There we are going to discuss a certain topic that we already have done or that we will have on 1-on-1 call.
      Votoni tani!
    • There we are going to discuss a certain topic that we already have done or that we will have on 1-on-1 call.

      NOTE: Not certain where y'all going w/ this statement so I'll leave it "as is".
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 3SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 3
  • Fjalia 4
    • It is good to sense something like this because you are going to be in those situations on the street, at work and usually around the people in Germany/Switzerland/Austria.
      Votoni tani!
    • It is good to sense something like this because you are going to be in thoseThis will be a good experience because you might well find yourself in similar situations on the street, at work, and usually around the people in Germany/, Switzerland/, and Austria.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 4SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 4
  • Fjalia 5
  • Fjalia 6
    • So join this call because you really can sense native-like German and receive feedback in terms of pronunciation and to get more free speaking German in front of everyone.
      Votoni tani!
    • So join this call because you really can sif you'd like to experiensce native-likeevel German and receive feedback in terms of pronunciatioabout your German land to get more free speaking German in front of everyone. guage skills from native-level speakers.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 6SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 6