
Text from 55elena_jv - English

    • The National Treasure

  • Today’s breakfast inspired me to tell about buckwheat.
  • Buckwheat in Russia is like a national treasure.
    • It’s main cereal here, food base.
    • In fact Russia produces about half of world’s amount of buckwheat.
    • So if something went wrong (economical problems, covid or anything), people start to buy up first of all buckwheat and toilet paper.
    • There are thousand of meme about it, we laugh at it, but still do it.
    • And recently was accept temporary ban for the export of ” the national treasure”.
    • Governance try to contain the rise in prices for it, now it costs like a real treasure (2-3 times more than before).
    • Buckwheat familiar to us is brown color because it’s fried.
    • This is done to save it longer, flavour is also different.
    • Until recently I didn’t know about other green buckwheat.
    • Now going back to my breakfast, I very like for it smoothies from green buckwheat.
    • My favourite two receipts: 1.
    • 1 bowl of green buckwheat (pour water overnight) and 1 banana mix with a blender. 2.
    • 1 bowl of green buckwheat (pour water overnight), 1 bowl of cherry and 2 spoon of cocoa mix with a blender.