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    • Bob and his dream

    • In the vicinity of our town chuch a boy of seventeen years lived.
  • His name was Bob.
    • As a matter of fact, he was a home body.
    • He preffered reading books and watching TV to hanging out with friends and dating girls.
  • But he always dreamed about being a sailor.
    • He had a lot of books devoted to sea and ships.
    • All of a sudden , when he was going up to his flat ( he lived on the fourth floor) he saw a strange flyer where the local company ”Sea and seagulls” offered to work as sailors.
  • Bob was excited by this flyer.
    • Immediately he called the number in flyer.
    • Calm male voice said : ”Yes , we need sailors.
    • Some of our sailors were dismissed and we really need palatable substance.
    • If you really wanna be a sailor , you need to read the book ” Basis of naval science”.
    • When you’ll be ready , come to the Lantern Street, 6 from nine a.m to six p.m any day except weekends” and you’ll be subjugated to our tests.
  • Bob was really enchanted by the idea of becoming a real sailor.
    • He visited all book shops of our town but none shop had this book.
    • In the last shop he came to the book ” The sum and substances of basis of naval science” caught his eye.
    • He didn’t think a long time and bought this book.
    • Having arrived home , he began reading it.
    • When he read it from A to Z , he went to the aforesaid adress.He met a tall middle-aged man who started to ask him different questions.
    • But Bob didn’t know how to answer these questions.
    • There were not such questions in his book.
    • After all ,Bob was impelled to go home...
    • To be Continued