
Texto de LionLou - English

  • English practice

  • I love english but I don't speak it well.
    • I was thinking about subscribing in an english classes so I can practice english in my free time, but I thing it will be difficult especially because I work all the day and the english classes are in the evening and far from my house.
    • So I decided to find another simple way to learn this langage.
    • I searched on the net, found many articles about how to improve your english skills but I was confused because of the multiple methods proposed.
  • So I decided to begin with listening practice.
    • Sure, I can't understand any conversation well but at less I can understand the main idea, the meaning of some sentences etc. For that, I have choose TEDx talks!
  • I listen to a talk every night before I go to sleep.
  • This helped me a lot.
  • Firstly, it's like an exercice for my brain.
    • It helps me to be more concentrate, to make effort to understand the words even if sometimes the talker is speaking so fast.
    • Secondly, I try to choose talks that are talking about interesting subject for me such as how to learn a new langage.
    • When I was listening to a talks about this, I found that it explain how a person become a polyglot.
  • Polyglot is a new word for me.
  • While searching the definition of that word I found this web site.
    • I create the account and now I'm trying the correction section.