

Text from Maryam1987 - English

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    • In the modern life, diet is a most controversial topic among people.
    • Because they believe that food quality and safe are more important than delicious.
    • So some folk would like to eat meat food but other folk prefer to eat vegetarian food.
    • In this essay, I am going to analyzing both sides of arguments.
    • Some people prefer to eat meat because they think that meat have enough essential nutrient material such as proteins, vitamins and iron so these material is needed to bodies.
    • The mountain's folk believe that eating meat helps them to be strong and healthy.
    • Experts have found white meat such as meat fish is very healthy because it has Omega C and unsaturated fat also these material are needed for growing children, suitable to brain functions and preventing of heart attack.
    • Some other people have an opposite idea; this group believe that we do not right to kill animals to eat because they are living and they have this right to live so for taking energy and be healthy people should eat vegetables, grains, fruits instead of eating meat because green foods have complex carbohydrates, proteins and low fats so these are more better to body than meat foods.
    • In conclusion, when we analysis these two idea we will be able to find a too significant issue.
    • Our body has built of different cells and these cells need variety materials so we should have a suitable diet.
    • For instance if we only use vegetable diet we will have weak body because vegetables have least energy, on the other hand if we use a lot of meat than vegetables we will have fatty body and heart disease so to have a healthy body it is better we have a good balance of diet and enough exercise .