
Text from MR-GLOT - English

  • Letter to a penfriend.

    • Hello Michael, It’s fantastic to have received news from you and know you a bit more.
  • I am shorter than you and quite more dark skinned, my face is long, my eyes clears and my hair brunette.
  • I always try to be open-mind and friendly, I am normally smiley and it’s very important for me the honesty and sincerity.
  • My family is quite big because I have six siblings, 3 brothers and 3 sisters and I am almost the youngest so you imagine for birthdays, charismas day and so on… But we always spend very good time together.
    • My interests are several and I frequently try to learn new things… I like sports such as tennis, chest or football and I like hiking too.
    • As you say I am learning English but also Chinese and Russian.
    • Recently I have started to watch some documentaries about history in different languages and etc. I would like to know how you study Spanish exactly and for how long you have studied it.
    • I hope news from you soon, Tom.