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Have I translated the song right?

The original text:

Són les aures de ciment
Com un bes en la travessa
Cingles muts ensumen gent
I esmicolen la ceguesa
Invisibles juguen fort
Una vall de risc que ombreja
Esberlant guspires d’or
Les visions semblen proeses
En percebre la claror
Els camins de cop s’esguerren
Rememoren la maror
Males arts sovint empenten
Un cos fràgil vora el sot
Les consignes sonen fort
La ciutat de nou s’aixeca.

My translation:
These are the auras of cement,
Like a kiss from the trek.
Dumb cliffs sniff people
And crumble the blindness,
Invisible, they play hard
A valley of risk that shades,
Shattering sparks of gold,
The visions seems prose
In perceiving the brightness,
The roads finally squirm
Remembering the maror*
Bad arts often push
The fragile body near the pit.
The instructions sound loud,
The city wakes up again.

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