PS: Explore free learning materials for Bulgarian: Learning class: Literary Translation — Numbers — DEGREES OF COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES – Степенуване на прилагателните — Useful phrases
- vincentSeptember 2022
vincentFebruary 2023 In Bulgarian, the past tense is expressed using the verb endings -х/-сх, -л/-ла, -ло/-ля. |
petit11March 2023 We have two more past tenses in Bulgarian but thats getting harder
petit11March 2023 And the second past tense that is called ’’unfinished” is when the action is done in the past but it may continue to take place up to the present moment such as: аз хо̀дех, ти/той/тя то хо̀деше, ние хо̀дехме, вие хо̀дехте,те хо̀деха
petit11March 2023 We have two forms of past tense in Bulgarian, the first exspresses an action that ended before the moment of speaking , example: аз хо̀дих,ти/той/тя/то хо̀ди, ние хо̀дихме, вие хо̀дихте, те хо̀диха