Rome - Polyglot Netværk

Velkommen til Rome Polyglot Netværk!
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Gianluca123 profile picture Gianluca123March 2012
Hello all, I am Gianluca and write from Rome. For improve my English I would like exchange email with english mothertongue that would like learn italian.
Guba11 profile picture Guba11March 2012
marina-ivashina profile picture marina-ivashinaFebruary 2011

Ciao! Mi chiamo Marina. Sono russa e studio l italiano, vorrei parlare con gli  italiani per pratticare nella lingua.

Marcello96 profile picture Marcello96February 2012

I'd improve my english, my french and my spanish ...I can teach you italian / Je voudrais améliorer mon anglais, mon français et mon espagnol :D je peux vous enseigner l'italien / A mì me gustarìa mejorar mi inglés mi francés y mi español :D yo os puedo enseñar el italiano..
Marcello Rome-Italy-Italie-Italia

Ccristina profile picture CcristinaFebruary 2012
chi mi aiuta a capire come funziona questo sito?help!!!!grazie
Create Event (Rome)


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