Special District of Yogyakarta - مجتمع بوليغلوت

نظم اجتماع جديد هنا
اكتب اسم مدينتك :


syari profile picture syariApril 2017
hi...how do you do.. I'm a new member also.. where are you from?
dradjat profile picture dradjatMarch 2017
Hello, I'm new member, how do you do?
rukmana profile picture rukmanaOctober 2016
hello.. I'm new member too in here. ^0^
rifanfranc profile picture rifanfrancOctober 2016
Hi...nice to introduce you all here. please invite me for more information and share information. i wanna learn english and japanese. thanks you.
atanasiarefa profile picture atanasiarefaJune 2016
Hello~ I'm new member in here. Invite me, ok? I want to learn Korean and English.. Thank you
.إنشاء حدث (Special District of Yogyakarta)


!أنهم يتحدثون عنا

Media coverage - Polyglot Club