

Silda profile picture SildaJuly 2021
Comment changé de langue
  • vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2021
    on the top right of the screen, click your photo, then update profile, then bottom of the page, delete profile.
pouelle profile picture pouelleAugust 2021
I updated my email address and got a ”welcome new member” message. I’m not a new member...
Nazanin_angel profile picture Nazanin_angelJune 2021
Hello, sadly I lost my old account for some mistakes that I did carelessly. Now I made a new account. And I don’t know how to find my friends, please help me!
  • vincent profile picture vincentJune 2021
    we are sorry you are leaving but here is how:
    click on your photo on the top right corner, click Edit profile, att the bottom of the page, click Delete profile.
kdhirten profile picture kdhirtenJune 2021
I just joined. I have a question. In my profile, it says: ”Enter all languages you want to learn (and their level).” Is this the level I’m at now or the level that I aspire to?