Nantes - Polyglot Ağı

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Nantes offers many free (or low cost) activities to improve your language skills. Feel free to add other interesting places useful for Polyglot Club members! :)

Language Exchange

Association ESN Nantes – Autour du Monde

The association organizes polyglot cafes from September to June in different bars in Nantes and it's free!

Upcoming events:

Address: Chemin de la Censive du Tertre, 44000 Nantes

Tel: + 33 6 76 97 40 75

Learn English

Centre Culturel Franco-Britannique (CCFB)

The CCFM offerS a reading circle, conversation clubs, English classes, a theater class, a cooking workshop, workshops and conferences as well as annual friendly meetings. An English library is also available.

Address: Siège 1 Rue du Guesclin, 44000 Nantes

Tel: + 33 2 40 35 39 43





French University

The Institute of French as a Second Language (i-FLE) organizes French courses for all levels. Courses are reserved for citizens of non-French-speaking countries, holders of the French baccalaureat (A-level) or equivalent. The minimum age is 18.

Address: Institute of French as a Second Language (i-FLE) 23 rue du recteur schmitt - bâtiment F0, 44312 Nantes cedex 3

Tel: +33 2 53 48 77 01




Jonathan-N profile picture Jonathan-NMay 2012
Cherche un Anglais avec qui dialoguer
Aa-K- profile picture Aa-K-May 2012
Hello everybody !
miss2712 profile picture miss2712May 2012
Hello , I would like to meet someone who speak english in exchange I can help in french. Thanks you.
miss2712 profile picture miss2712May 2012
Hello ,
I want to meet someone speak english and I can teach French .
Thank you
lulu49 profile picture lulu49May 2012
je recherche une ou un correspondant pour parler et faire d'autre chose je me suis inscrit car je m ennuis et j aime la musique ,rire et m amuser!
  • Imaginationambulante profile picture ImaginationambulanteMay 2012
    Bonjour Lulu49, ton âge et ton message m'intrigue, serais-tu de ces jeunes adolescentes qui travaillent et reçoivent de bons résultats à l'école ? SI tu le veux bien j'aimerai de poser quelques quesitons en privées, si cela ne te déranges pas d'échanger en français
Etkinlik yaratmak (Nantes)


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