Soirée Polyglotte - Samedis - 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇷🇺 🇨🇳...

Event description


pat profile picture patApril 2011

!!! Friday BIG POLYGLOT PARTY !!! (Paris, France)!!! Friday BIG POLYGLOT PARTY !!! (Paris, France)!!! Friday BIG POLYGLOT PARTY !!! (Paris, France)!!! Friday BIG POLYGLOT PARTY !!! (Paris, France)!!! Friday BIG POLYGLOT PARTY !!! (Paris, France)


Tous les Samedis !

A partir du Samedi 30 Avril 2011


WAGG club


vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2011

  Bonjour    Lili23,

oui, pas de soucis, quand tu arrives demandes à l'organisateur (le samedi c'est Pat), il t'orientera vers la bonne table ou la bonne personne

à ce soir !! 

Lili23 profile picture Lili23March 2011


I have a question, is it easy to find someone to talk to when you are comming for the first time and alone, how does it work ? I have not decided yet to come



vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2011

  RV ce soir au Snax Kfé!!!! 

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2011

Emission de    Danse des mots du MERCREDI 09 FÉVRIER 2011.

Le Polyglot’Club : Un club d’intercompréhension. Rencontres ludiques, sociales et amicales, sur fond de langues maternelles différentes. Babel à Paris ! Lien vers le site de RFI, la Danse des Mots.

Le Polyglot’Club : Un club d’intercompréhension
vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2011

Hi Lilly

You are talking to me in English and this is not killing you

well I  think the best is not necessarily to talk to a native speaker.  The most important for you is to express in English event if you make mistakes!

Have you heard about the ACTIVE EAR concept : check it out here!


LillyJOU profile picture LillyJOUJanuary 2011


I wanted to know if it isn't not dangerous if anyone speak a language which is not his nativ language. If everyone makes mistakes it can not

be producted, is it ?

I ask this question for the meetings of thursday and saturday.

Thank you to answer.

vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2011

A tout à l'heure! échauffez vous la glotte !