*Tower of Babel* HUGE PICNIC

Event description


pat profile picture patMay 2009

Lo and behold everyone! This picnic will feature A-L-E-X, Polyglot Club Administrator for R-U-S-S-I-A =) Glory 2 u, brother!

vincent profile picture vincentMay 2009

Hi Alex : do you best to win the trophy !! :-)

AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRMay 2009

Yeses, pat! Let's have a party!
I'm not a big cuisine master, but I'll try to bring something Russian to the picnic

pat profile picture patApril 2009

Cool, Davide, can't wait!


Welcome Julianna, with your husband! It will be a pleasure =)


Alex, will YOU be here too, from Mos'? Let's ce-le-bra-te!

davideusai profile picture davideusaiApril 2009


Merci Pat pour ton message. Je vais avec ma femme et une copine à nous.

Donc moi je vais préparer quelque chose d’Italie. On va voir !

Bonne journée


Julianna24 profile picture Julianna24April 2009

Great idea!! my husband and I will try to make it this time since we are leaving to France (from LA) in about two weeks  I'm originally from Ecuador so I think it might be a bit hard to cook something typical because I won't be able to find the ingredients needed, but anyhow, I'll do my best to come out with something cool  hope to see you all soon!

AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRApril 2009

Anybody's planning to bring backgammon?

pat profile picture patApril 2009

Bienvenu Davide!

Ce n'est pas grave si tu ne connais personne. Le but est justement de faire de nouvelles rencontres dans des langues et autour de cultures étrangères =) Il suffit de s'inscrire, et de venir avec un plat typique de ton pays/région d'origine, comme décrit ci-dessus.