Chile - Polyglot 네트워크

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Chile Polyglot 네트워크에 오신 것을 환영합니다!


¡Bienvenidos! Welcome! добро пожаловать!

A la red de Chile en Polyglot!


Mi nombre es Kasbeel.

Soy administrador de la Red de Chile en Polyglot, cualquier duda o consulta me pueden enviar un mensaje.

My name is Kasbeel.

I'm Chile Polyglot Network administrator, any questions or queries, please send me a message.

меня зовут  Kasbeel.

Я администратор де Polyglot сети Чили, какие-либо вопросы или запросы, я могу опубликовать сообщение.



Israel_Figueroa profile picture Israel_FigueroaOctober 2012
Español nativo, interested in practice my english.
  • Rologsxr profile picture RologsxrSeptember 2016
    tengo nivel intermedio en inglés, si quieres podemos practicar speaking
Abducido profile picture AbducidoOctober 2012
alguien para practicar ingles?
alexislopez profile picture alexislopezApril 2013
somone to practice English, speaking and grammar. I can help with Spanish
AllanCortez profile picture AllanCortezAugust 2016

Hello, I'm learning English, my level is no longer a rookie, I need improve my English with someone who wants to help me, I'm a native from Chilean and I would like to practice English with someone native England or north america, I could teach Latin Spanish, I think I would do well.
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