Event description


vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009
Bxl's PG Meeting is looking *bright* =) Almost 60 participants! You should start considering multiple monthly events, twice/month or even weekly! (if you have time and will for it though)
The_Globetrotter profile picture The_GlobetrotterFebruary 2009

YESSSS it will be a huge event.

I will wait up to  friday to make a first counting.....from all  the websites !

Saturday I will go to the cafe and....see if it still is possible to stay there .....or  eventually  find a bigger place.

I have phoned the owner of the cafe ...and ask him if we can have ......all the 1st floor !

The anwer is....YESSSS !!


Anyway on sunday we will know the definitively place !........

See you


Guy (The_Globetrotter)



vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009
it's gonna be HUGE !!

yep i've seen

and also SO FAR

10 on facebook

and 5 on ovs
BartDammekens profile picture BartDammekensFebruary 2009

Just wanted to let people now, that @ this moment 27 people are also coming from the CouchSurfing Website.

So there are going to be a lot of ppl, great for the languages.

See you there !


EpsilonBXL profile picture EpsilonBXLFebruary 2009

Hello Roseline,

Thank you for your comment and best wishes. Pity you can't join in this time, but there will definitely be a next one! 

We intend to hold at least one meeting every month. See you soon then!

roseline profile picture roselineFebruary 2009

I am sorry but I am busy on this day but sure I will come the next time !

..... and when is the next time ?

I wish you a great meeting !

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009
J'ai invité aussi Roger et le CERCLE POLYGLOTTE DE BRUXELLES: j'espère qu'ils pourront venir!

The_Globetrotter profile picture The_GlobetrotterFebruary 2009

Hé ! hé !...  Merci EpsilonBXL que dire de plus ....c'est exactement la situation.