Austria - Polyglot Network

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Welcome to Austria Polyglot Network!


Location of Austria


  • Waltercari profile picture WaltercariDecember 2013
    Hallo. Ich kann ja Italienisch, obwohl es nicht meine Muttersprache ist. Möchtest du aber, dass ich dich Spanisch lehre? Ich würde sehr gerne Russisch weiter lernen,
  • Nikoo_ profile picture Nikoo_September 2013
    Servus. Se vuoi io parlo italiano e ti potrei aiutare con il tuo tedesco
  • Blumenwiese profile picture BlumenwieseFebruary 2013
    hehehe .. funny I could only say ... Island people. However, Irland is a realy nice place with nice people.
Blumenwiese profile picture BlumenwieseFebruary 2013
Hello everyone, I would like improve my english skills because I have my english exam in june. I like meet new people, explore new foreign cultures and places. I work in a Travel Agency, this Job is a good opportunity meet new people and to show different places of the whole World!
Aziz11 profile picture Aziz11December 2012
Hi, I'm Aziz from Saudi Arabia, I'm 23 years old and I'm studying Industrial Engineering. I work as an English teacher as a part time. I learned some German when I was in Innsbruck, and I'm fluent in both English and Arabic.. Feel free to contact me, I use all most all kinds of communications :P
TineM profile picture TineMOctober 2012
I'm a little bit confused at the moment. I spent 3 whole month in Ireland and NOBODY was able to even know where Austria is and German was a miracle, nobody could even say hello in German, and now everybody from Ireland on this side is perfect in German but can not speak English... really strange
Sunseeker93 profile picture Sunseeker93September 2012

Hello together I speak german fluently and I would really like to teach it to everybody I want to improve my english, and it would be great if somebody could teach me. My name is Steve, I'm nineteen years old and I'm from Austria. Best regards

  • beachboy profile picture beachboySeptember 2012
    hey! just a little comment. I´ve never heard "Hello together" in English, I believe that comes from your German "hallo zusammen!" xD
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