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What are the hardest tongue twisters in French?

Hello, bonjour to all you enthusiastic French learners out there! 😊

Embarking on the exciting journey of mastering French tongue twisters can prove to be a fantastic exercise for your language skills. The intricate blending of sounds in these tricky sentences makes them quite challenging to pronounce, but persistently practicing them will undoubtedly contribute to the improvement of your French fluency. As you attempt these fascinating linguistic puzzles, always bear in mind that a few of these tongue twisters might be nearly unattainable to pronounce rapidly, even for those who are native French speakers! So, don't be discouraged and enjoy the fun that comes with attempting these mind-boggling phrases. 😮

After mastering these tongue twisters, you can also explore other aspects of the French language, such as "The most embarassing English French false friends", vachement, a popular slang term, or learn about astronomy and nationalities in French. These additional resources will help you expand your vocabulary and further improve your language skills. Bonne chance!

Les chaussettes de l’archiduchesse, sont-elles sèches ? Archi-sèches

  • "The archduchesses socks: are they dry? Very dry."

Un chasseur sachant chasser chasse sans son chien

  • "A hunter who knows how to hunt hunts without his dog."

Ton thé t'a-t-il ôté ta toux ?

  • "Did your tea get rid of your cough?"

Si 6 scies scient 6 cyprès, 606 scies scient 606 cyprès

  • "If 6 saws saw 6 cypresses, 606 saws saw 606 cypresses"

Où niche l'oie? L'oie niche bas. Où niche l'hibou? L'hibou niche ni haut ni bas !

Where does the goose nest? The goose nests down. Where nests the owl? The owl nests neither up nor down!

Note: It sounds like a completely foreign language when you first hear it and don't know how to break it down. :)

Si mon tonton tond ton tonton, ton tonton sera tondu

If my uncle shaves your uncle, your uncle will be shaven.

As-tu vu le vert ver allant vers le verre en verre vert ?

Did you see the green worm going towards the green glass glass?

Tes laitues naissent-elles? Si tes laitues naissent, mes laitues naîtront

"Are your lettuces sprouting? If your lettuces are sprouting, my lettuces will sprout"

Pauvre petit pêcheur, prends patience pour pouvoir prendre plusieurs petits poissons

"Poor little fisherman, wait patiently to be able to catch several small fishes."

Quand tu auras fini de monter des cendres tu descendras mon thé

"When you will finish bring ashes up, you will bring down my tea"

NB : more than a tongue twister, this sentense is a wordplay. It sounds like "Quand tu auras fini de Monter-Descendre, tu Descendras-monter." (When you will finish Go up/Go down, you will Go down/Go up).

Un dragon gradé dégrade un gradé dragon.

Ces six saucissons-ci sont si secs qu'on ne sait si c'en sont.

These six sausages are so dry that we don't know if they are.

A chacun son choix se dit sa sœur Sylvie, suivant son chemin

To each his own choice says his sister Sylvie, following his path.

Ah ! Pourquoi Pépita sans répit m'épies-tu, dans le puits Pépita pourquoi te tapis-tu ? Tu m'épies sans pitié, c'est piteux de m'épier, de m'épier Pépita ne peux-tu te passer ?

Ah! Why Pepita do you relentlessly spy on me, in the well Pépita, why do you hide? You are spying on me without mercy, it is pitiful to spy on me, spy on me, Pepita can't you do without?

Je suis ce que je suis et si je suis ce que je suis, qu'est-ce que je suis ?

I am what I am and If I am what I am, what am I?

Je suis chez ce cher Serge

I'm at this dear Serge

Je veux et j'exige d'exquises excuses

[with the liaison, "je veux-z-et"] I want and demand exquisite excuses

Dit-on "seize sèches chaises" ou "seize chaises sèches" ?

Do we say "sixteen dry chairs" or "sixteen dry chairs"?

Si ces six sangsues-ci sucent son sang sans sucer ses soucis, ses soins sont sans succès, ça c'est sûr !

If these six leeches suck his blood without sucking his cares, his care is unsuccessful, that's for sure

Gros gras grand grain d'orge, tout gros-gras-grand-grain-d'orgerisé, quand te dé-gros-gras-grand-grain-d'orgeriseras-tu? Je me dé-gros-gras-grand-grain-d'orgeriserai quand tous les gros gras grands grains d'orge se seront dé-gros-gras-grand-grain-d'orgerisés.

Seize jacinthes sèchent dans seize sachets secs

Sixteen hyacinths dry in sixteen dry sachets




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