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Practice Cantonese - Practicar Cantonés - 练习粤语 - 練習粵語 - Praticar Cantonês

en: Hi, I am searching for someone who want to help me with my Cantonese pronunciation and also, I can help you with your Spanish, English or Portuguese, let me know if you are interested by sending me a message please, Okay?

es: Hola, estoy buscando personas interesadas en ayudarme con mi pronunciación del cantonés, también puedo ayudarle a usted a practicar español, inglés o portugués, si usted está interesado/a en practicar, envíeme un mensaje por favor, ¿Vale?

zh: 你好,我找说粤语的母语者要跟我一起练习我粤语的发音,我也会帮忙你练习西班牙语,英语或者葡萄牙语,让我知道如果你也要跟我练习,发送给我一个邮件,好吧?

zh: 你好,我找說粵語的母語者要跟我一起練習我粵語的發音,我也會幫忙你練習西班牙語,英語或者葡萄牙語,讓我知道如果你也要跟我練習,發送給我一個郵件,好吧?

pt: Olá, estou a pesquisar falantes nativos do cantonês para praticar a minha pronúncia, também posso ajudar-lhe a praticar espanhol, inglês e português, se você estiver interessado/a em praticar, envie-me uma mensagem, Ótimo?

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Carolkoo97 profile picture Carolkoo97May 2018
I am Macao people,I want to learn English and I speak Cantonese
sunsunfirst profile picture sunsunfirstMay 2015

Hi, i speak Cantonese and want to practise English

jimmylorunning profile picture jimmylorunningMay 2015
Hi! I'm a native Cantonese speaker, and would love to help you. I am learning Spanish right now at a very beginner level. Maybe we can chat on Skype?
chuckfang profile picture chuckfangMarch 2015
hallo, i'm chinese, and cantonses also. But my cantonses is not very standard,and i think my chinese is OK