I can help you with English via Skype.

45% GOOD (11 votes)

As i travel to Russia and Ukraine on business and pleasure i need to expand my mind with the Russian and Ukrainian cultures and languages. I understand some spoken Russian but as i  was born in the U.K and lived here all my life it is difficult. I am a happy and well educated ( cambridge ) having more than the average knowledge of life in general.


Prototape2 profile picture Prototape2October 2016
My skype is prototape22
Prototape2 profile picture Prototape2October 2016
Hello, I learn English and i can help you with your Ukrainian
xXxDimaxXx_88 profile picture xXxDimaxXx_88August 2016

Hi! I want to learn English language and I can speak Rassian and Ukrainian languages.

Voliglot profile picture VoliglotAugust 2016
I'm from Ukraine and I know both languages
Marichka7 profile picture Marichka7July 2016
Hi! my name is Maria. I from Ukraine & I want to improve my English. Could you help me with this
Khrystina profile picture KhrystinaJune 2016
my Skype cristi_opopop
English_gentleman profile picture English_gentlemanMarch 2016
I am John from polyglotclub, i can help with your English. My skype name is englishman_1959
_RUSH_ profile picture _RUSH_November 2012

Oh, I know Russian and Ukrainian, but I need some help in English, would you teach me your native language?))) My skype - suroks88