Jag talar inte Svenska, but I want to :)

Проголосуй сейчас!

I'm very interested into learning Scandinavian languages, I've already downloaded Duolingo and started with Swedish but I think is not enought for me to hold a fluent conversation. I'm a native spanish speaker and I'm also able to talk in English, so, if I could help you in Spanish or English and you to me in Swedish or Norwegian, would be nice. Tack så mycket! :)


94alial profile picture 94alialJuly 2016
Hi I'm Ali from Sweden I would love to help you learn Swedish in exchange I would love to improve my Spanish skills. I hope we can get to know each other
sxp profile picture sxpJuly 2016
Routledge Colloquial Swedish is a good book/CD. You'll find it in the city library.