Welcome to Tetsu's Language Blog

הוסף סרטון וידאו חדש50 % אמרו "טוב" (22 votes)


sk8ter9751 profile picture sk8ter9751April 2020
So impressive. I am blown away! Keep it going. Such an inspiration for us all!
musico11 profile picture musico11April 2010

Wow! I didn't check my messages at all and didn't know some people checked the video. And liked it! Thank you for your encouraging words. If you'd like to know how I became a polyglot, pls do check out my blog:




thanx again for your kind words!


nos vemos pronto! que les vayan bien!

verveine profile picture verveineApril 2010

Thanks for this video. Very good job!! and quite useful I think too

mezzocase profile picture mezzocaseMarch 2010

When did you learn so many different languages? I'd love to be able to switch like that from my native language to something else besides English! I never got a chance to practice the Spanish I learnt at school and now I forgot everything!