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🙏 How do you say "thank you" in Korean?

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ejeon0929 profile picture ejeon0929March 2023
Thank you: 고맙습니다 or 감사합니다
fluenttongue42 profile picture fluenttongue42June 2022
감사합니다(Kam-sa-ham-ni-da) means “thank you” in Korean and is the standard way. You can use it to show respect to strangers, elderly people, and your boss at work. Koreans also use 고맙습니다(gomabseubnida) in all formal settings, whereas고마워 (gomawo) is casual which can be used with siblings, friends, as well as those younger than you. In polite situations, you can use the phrases 고마워요 (gomawoyo)/ 감사해요 (gamsahaeyo) to show appreciation

So, Here is how to say thank you in Korean(formal & informal) in different situations.

Thank you in Korean informal – 고마워 (gomawo)
Thank you in Korean polite – 고마워요 (gomawoyo) or 감사해요 (gamsahaeyo)
Thank you in Korean formal – 감사합니다(kam-sa-ham-ni-da) or 고맙습니다 (gomabseubnida)

check out the complete information at https://fluenttongue.com/thank-you-in-korean/
Kosasih profile picture KosasihApril 2022
kamsahamnida or kumawoyo