I would like to learn gujarati or hindi

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Hello, is there anybody who could teach me some gujarati or hindi?  I plan to go to India this year.  I can teach you English, French or Spanish.  I would also like to learn the culture of this huge country....I probably will go to Gujarat.  If somebody is from this part of India, could you tell me if it is better for me to learn gujarati or hindi?  With hindi, will I be able to talk to the people in the street? Thank you.


identityconcealed profile picture identityconcealedMay 2007
I can definitely teach you Hindi, and enough Gujarati to survive in Gujarat. Just send me message on how you would like to start it. i don't know if you use MSN or SKYPE, my MSN id is identityconcealedidentityconcealed profile picture

Hope to see you soon :)